twee vacatures PhD-traject sociolinguïstiek
Within the framework of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and the innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 847596, Maastricht University (the Netherlands) is offering two 4-yrs PhD vacancies in Sociolinguistics.
1. A first project (supervision: Prof. Leonie Cornips, Prof. Gunther De Vogelaer) concerns multilingual kindergartens, which will be examined in relation to monolingual language ideologies:
2. A second project (supervision: Prof. Leonie Cornips, Prof. Evelyn Ziegler) is about revitalizing the coal mining past through language:
The deadline for the vacancies is end of September. Applicants may not have been residing in the Netherlands for the last twelve months.